It was a busy week for me especially at this Holiday Season. The art show I had at Starbucks was a success! I meet a lot of people and got new prospects and a big sale. I am demonstrating my art style and my philosphy behind by painting as I do it there live. I paint what I believe that, "there is a relationship of love in all created things". I am going to have another one art show this Sunday Dec. 18, 11 am to 2 pm at Starbucks, Cedar Grove Lane, Somerset New Jersey. Hope to see you there.
All things created came from the heartbeat of love and thru this a Red Hibiscus came into being. Every petals of this hibiscus speaks of love and patiently revealing its beauty to the eye of the beholder. I call this piece "Love Is Patient". This was sold in my Ebay art auctions. You may click the title above and view my current art auctions.
I wish you all the best this Holiday Season!